Re K (Children) [2016] EWCA Civ 99

19 February 2016

Judges: Geoffrey Vos, Eleanor King, Peregrine Simon

Family Law Week

[2015] ScotSC 154

10 March 2016

Judge: Sheriff Aisha y Anwar

The Sheriff rejected the evidence of two competing experts, Professor MacKay and an unregulated psychologist called Mr Nee, who referred “at length” to attachment theory and parental alienation.

[2016] EWCA Civ 1088

13 September 2016

Judge: Eleanor King

This was an appeal against a judgment by Clifford Bellamy. It led to a further appeal [2017] EWCA Civ 1579 heard by James Munby and Eleanor King in 2017.

Stuart Graham acted as a McKenzie friend for an “alienated” father in a case which focused on the use of covert recordings.


[2016] EWCA Civ 1332

Judges: Andrew McFarlane, Keith Lindblom, Launcelot Henderson

Expert: Eia Asen

Appeal against a judgment by Michael Keehan - [2015] EWFC 535 - to transfer residence of the children from the father to the mother - appeal dismissed. Keehan found that the mother was a liar and was alienating the children from the father, who had taken a second wife without the prior knowledge of the mother.

[2016] CSOH 152 (Scotland)

28 October 2016

Judge: Lord Brailsford

Expert: Tommy MacKay

Reported by Families Need Fathers Scotland